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How to use OSM


Crop Instructions:


OSM-100 Sea Mineral is an excellent Mineral and Trace Element Supplement when used as a pre-plant or as a foliar spray.




Foliar Application:   OSM-100 Sea Mineral may be used as a stand-alone mineral supplement application or it can be mixed with other water soluble NPK type fertilizer.   When combining with NPK type fertilizers you will see excellent performance and receive a cost saving by reducing the NPK 50%.   Since crop type, soil characteristics and moisture delivery vary from field to field


Pre-Plant:  Broadcast 25 to 50 pounds per acre, depending on soil type, and till into the soil. 





For General Use:  Apply OSM-100 at a rate of 5 lbs. of OSM-100 SEA MINERAL, dissolved in 20 gallons of clean water per acre.  Dissolve the OSM-100 in a separate container, pour or pump the dissolved solution into your sprayer.   Filter if necessary.


Pasture and Hay:  Apply 3 applications per growing cycle 14 to 21 days apart.   First application at “green up” of existing pasture or when new seed sprouts are 4 inches high.  Second application should be 14 to 21 days thereafter and a third application 14 to 21 days after the second.  Additional applications after each cutting, or rotation of cattle grazing.   At end of season, broadcast apply 25 lbs. per acre.


Alfalfa or Hay:  First application should be at “green up” of existing, or when new seed sprouts are 4 inches high.  Thereafter, apply 10 to 14 days after each cutting.  At end of season, broadcast apply 25 lbs. per acre.


New alfalfa, hay or other fodder plantings:  Broadcast OSM-100 at a rate of 25 to 50 lbs. per acre prior to tillage then follow with spray applications during the season as described above.


Vegetable Crops:  Broadcast up to 25 lbs. per acre during soil prep.  For foliar application, apply at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre dissolved in 20 gal of water.   Apply when new seed sprouts are 4 to 6 inches high or when the 3rd or 4th leaf sets develop, and every 14 to 21 days thereafter, until 14 days before harvest. .


Grain Crops including Corn, Wheat, Soy, Milo:  Broadcast OSM-100 at a rate of 25 lbs. per acre prior to tillage and seeding.   Apply  a foliar spray when new seed sprouts are 4 inches high and a second application 14 to 21 days thereafter and a third application half way into the growing cycle.


Berries and Fruit or Nut Trees:   Apply at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre dissolved in 20 gal of water.  Apply every 10 to 14 days until 14 days before harvest.


Home Gardeners:  Mix one tablespoon of OSM-100 SEA MINERAL per gallon, and foliar apply with trigger sprayer until drip-off every 7 to 10 days.


Compost Tea:  Mix 1 lb. of OSM-100 with 100 gallons of brewing Compost Tea.  We highly recommend the use of Compost Tea to boost the microbial content of the soil




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