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Real People / Results


The following comments are from actual users and only represent their experiences and opinions.  The information is not intended to be construed as a manufacturers claim.


"Using the competition’s product – I found that I had about ¼ inch of white stuff in the bottom of my spray tank after I clogged almost every nozzle".- S.H.


"I raised corn from under a pivot irrigation system for 10 years and was producing at 200 bushels/acre. I added OSM-100 Sea mineral to half of my irrigated corn though the pivot system at 4# per acre two times during the growing season. This time I made 20% more yield from the corn receiving sea mineral,or 240 bushel per acre."

- Farmer, Western Oklahoma


"I added OSM-100 sea mineral to my program at 4 lbs per acre two times during the growing season. At harvest, the neighboring farms average 35 bushels/acre. In addition, when the wheat was weighed at grainery, my wheat weighed heavier than other wheat from the same area."- A dry- Land farmer (no irrigation) , Western Oklahoma


"OSM-100 is so much cleaner than the other guy’s product."- Trish


"OSM-100 is very clean. I can spray all day and never has to clean a filter."- Ty


"Since I’ve been using OSM-100, I now produce 10LB cabbages and have 6 foot corn stalks"- Greg


"No matter what my neighbors use – my pasture is ALWAYS greener with OSM-100"- Tr


"My livestock has gone from a 96% birth rate to a 100% birthrate when using OSM-100"

- Sam H


"I received an additional 10+ bushels per acre of corn when using OSM-100"- Randy S.

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